Version 1.51 Overview
Research conducted during the last year indicated that OfficeTalk users required a link between OfficeTalk and their word processor, their two most frequently used pieces of software. Our recent upgrade, OfficeTalk V1.51, launched in September this year, includes several additions designed to provide such a link, enhanced Internet mail capabilities and a number of improvements to increase the effectiveness of OfficeTalk in countries outside of the United Kingdom.
" ... useful enhancements make OfficeTalk 1.5 a powerful contact management tool ... ItÆs one of the most impressive workgroup tools around."
PC Magazine, July 1996
Enhanced Contact Management![](/file/21611/PC Direct CD-ROM (April 1997).iso/WEBSITE/PICS/WORLD.GIF)
OfficeTalk V1.51 now allows you to link to any major word processor to create documents and archive them against companies and contacts already held in OfficeTalk's central database. Users can create an unlimited number of document templates which can be personal to an individual user or available to the whole workgroup. Users can specify the information they wish to extract from OfficeTalk and then place in their document.
New Document Archiving![](/file/21611/PC Direct CD-ROM (April 1997).iso/WEBSITE/PICS/WORLD.GIF)
OfficeTalk will create a record under the Contact for each new document. Once the document has been printed and saved, OfficeTalk will archive the document against the contact record as an attachment. Any user wishing to view the document simply double clicks on the document icon and OfficeTalk will launch the appropriate word processor and document.
Mail Merge![](/file/21611/PC Direct CD-ROM (April 1997).iso/WEBSITE/PICS/WORLD.GIF)
As well as creating single documents, users can create mail-merges directly from OfficeTalk's Contact Manager. Once an OfficeTalk Contact group has been selected, OfficeTalk will create a record under each Contact and generate the mail-merge file within the appropriate word processor ready for printing. Each contact record is linked to a single copy of the document.
New fax server links![](/file/21611/PC Direct CD-ROM (April 1997).iso/WEBSITE/PICS/WORLD.GIF)
You can use the OfficeTalk Contact Manager as the one workgroup-wide address book for conventional mail, E-Mail and faxes. OfficeTalk 1.51 comes complete with the macros required to link OfficeTalk document templates to GFI FAXmaker fax server. Macros are supplied for use with Microsoft Word 6 and 7, Corel WordPerfect 6 and 7 and Lotus AmiPro 3.1 and WordPro. Whilst we do not currently support any other fax servers, you may use the macros as a basis for linking with any other fax server that supports DDE.
Workgroup-wide Internet mail![](/file/21611/PC Direct CD-ROM (April 1997).iso/WEBSITE/PICS/WORLD.GIF)
OfficeTalk 1.51 provides even closer integration with the Workgroup Internet Gateway, enabling users to send and receive Internet mail from OfficeTalk's Mail mode.
International Features![](/file/21611/PC Direct CD-ROM (April 1997).iso/WEBSITE/PICS/WORLD.GIF)
Contact field names can be customised to suit the standards operating in a particular market. Files shipped with OfficeTalk are designed for the UK, North American, Danish and Australasian markets. In addition, the UK and North American markets also include pull down lists for Counties and States respectively. OfficeTalk takes date and time formats from the Windows setup information.
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Last Updated: 24/9/96 - Under Construction
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